Chef de Cuisine
He is the master of the kitchen, the head chef, the chef de cuisine.
His main job: He is responsible for the kitchen of the house. Everything has to run smoothly and the guest should be enthusiastic about the food.
He leads the entire kitchen team and ensures that all work processes harmonize. If necessary, he intervenes and corrects the processes.
The chef de cuisine is responsible for all dishes and their quality, he creates menus, develops new recipes and menus, is the contact person for all employees in the kitchen and at the same time acts as a role model. In addition, there are administrative tasks such as planning and purchasing the ingredients, their control and proper storage.
Today it is also more important than ever to work with a high level of awareness in the kitchen in order to save unnecessarily wasted food.
He needs business knowledge in order to master calculation and budget planning. He passes on all of his experience and knowledge to his team and inspires with the high art of cooking!
Chef de Cuisine is a responsible and exciting position in which you should not only understand the cooking trade, but also have a lot of soft skills.
After all, it is important to lead an entire kitchen team, to distribute tasks skillfully, to motivate employees and to spread a positive atmosphere in the kitchen, so that in the end high-quality and creative dishes are created.
For a good chef, all of this is not just a job – his job is his passion.